Where is my parcel?
When your parcel has been shipped from ALLSIZE COMPANY GROUP, you will automatically receive an electronic e-mail including the parcels tracking number and how to track your parcel.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our customer service on tel.: +4587589955.
How to return?
You can return any product within 14 days of receiving your original order.
Make sure the products are packed properly, as they are your responsibility until they reach us.
All products will be checked on return and must be in a good condition. The returned product must not have been damaged, washed, soiled or altered and all labels or tags must still be intact. Make sure each item is returned in the same packaging as received.
The refund of the returned product will be provided within 30 days of ALLSIZE COMPANY GROUP receiving the returned product.
The refund will be credited to the card used for the original purchase.
You can use the enclosed return label. The cost of using the return label is Euro 6,- which will be deducted from the amount of your refund or you can send at your own risk and expense to:
Allsize Company Group
Rudolfgårdsvej 6A
DK-8230 Viby J
Please mark: "WEB RETURN"
Please complete the enclosed return form and attach to the returned products, in order for us to manage your return effectively.
Can I exchange a product?
You can return any product within 14 days of receiving your original online order.
If you would like a different color or size, please complete the enclosed return form and attach to the returned products.
ALLSIZE COMPANY GROUP will pay for the shipping of the exchange order. However, return postage is payable by the customer.
Make sure the products are packed properly, as they are your responsibility until they reach us.
All products will be checked on return and must be in a good condition. The returned product must not have been damaged, washed, soiled or altered and all labels or tags must still be intact.
Please send returns to:
Rudolfgårdsvej 6A
DK-8230 Viby J
Please mark: "WEB RETURN"